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that doesn’t quite suit me
我对次不甚满意  detail>>
suit me
我钟意  detail>>
he doesn t care about me
他并不在乎我  detail>>
the city is quite strange to me
这个城市对我来说很陌生  detail>>
and it makes me feel quite small
这让我感觉挺渺小 这使我觉得自己非常渺小  detail>>
you gave me quite a fright
把人家吓了一大跳  detail>>
suit me down to the ground
正合吾意  detail>>
suit me fine
太适合我了  detail>>
doesn't = does not.  detail>>
it doesn
我们可以骑车去 种饲料划不来  detail>>
that doesn
这不关他的事  detail>>
get-me-down altitude suit
安全下降加压服  detail>>
in me italian suit well smart
意大利西装穿在身上多神气  detail>>
not quite
这孩子不大讲话  detail>>
 adv.  1.完全,十分,彻底,真正,的确。 2.事实上;差不多;可以说(是…),简直和…一样。 3.颇,相当,有点儿,或多或少。 4....  detail>>
quite a
相当的  detail>>
he doesn
他也不想插手  detail>>
if he doesn
咱们反正去  detail>>